Friday, September 22, 2006


WARNING: I saw this peice of viral from NBC on YouTube, and something strange happenned. I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself, then blacked out and woke up five hours later strapped to an operating table in a teaching hospital in Tiajuana. Ok, so the pissed myself and TJ parts aren't true, but the video is funny (a hell of a lot funnier than anything actually on NBC), so take a look. Oh and to all those making "I hate NBC" videos on YouTube, I hope you know just how much you're helping the brand...morons.

I still love you CPB!

Let me start off by saying that I absolutely love the "Safe Happens" commercials from Crispin Porter, I think they're some of the best, most well-written commercials in recent memory, and I honestly think they might be the best car commercials I have ever seen. And then they made this one. I agree with a few others out there in the blog-o-sphere that this just goes too far, and is a bit pretentious. It's a commercial that talks about another commercial, WTF? So Crispin, let me again say that I love your work, really love it, but this one has missed the mark.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bitchin non-trad for the Canadian Red Cross

Red Cross Canada'snew campaign for World First Aid Day is amazing. I really like non-trad media, and I really like screwing with people, and this is a perfect combination of the two. It's from Downtown Partners out of Ontario, Canada, and I really, really, dig it. For serial.

"Lo Def" Sony Spot

Ok, so here's the deal. McKinney-Silver has recently cranked out this spot for Sony's HiDef Tv's, and I really like the spot, but there's only one thing about it that I don't get. Is it bad that I would rather watch cake-mation (LoDef) NASCAR than the real thing, even if it were HiDef? Also, *INSERT GENERIC I DON'T GET WHY PEOPLE WATCH NASCAR RANT HERE* I do like the spot though.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

To all new creatives..

Here's a list of crap to do, and not do, from Mack Simpson of Dieste Harmel (one of the fastest growing Hispanic ad firms in the country). It's for new creatives, and is pretty straight-forward. Take five minutes and take a look.

Slow news day...

SCENE: Very dusty and run-down Starbucks in Pigspittle, Oregon (it's near Prineville). Two men in overalls sit on bar stools, twirling their Kaiser mustaches.
MAN 1: Why them thar cups gots naked ladies on 'em.
MAN 2: Do Jesus Ebner, you done be right. We gots to writes us our Sen-A-tar.
MAN IN SUIT: Goddam it people it's a friggin drawing of a topless Mermaid! The only way you could find this erotic and titalating is if you've been stranded in a Peruvian men's prison, high in the Andes, for the past 35 years. Lay the "f" off.


On a side note, pictures seem to work on my blog now. Yeah!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Awesome Xbox spot.

This is a really cool Xbox commercial, that for some reason has been banned on US tv. I honestly don't get it, but I guess whatever has crawled up the censors' asses seems to have had puppies. Still, check it out.

Another good state spot

Ok, so I will admit that I have seen some pretty good ads for state lotteries in the past (I hope ya'll saw the one with all the Lambos from a few years back), and I will go on to say that this amazes me. Back home (Texas) our state lottery ads suck. I mean they are really really bad (unless by the hand of God they've improved 100 fold since I left in 2002). This one for the Minnesota Lottery, brought to you by Minneapolis' own Cole+McVoy is pretty good, and not only because it isn't about winning money, but also because it has a bear in the kitchen.

Hooo-eeee it's fair time

Well I guess everyone is having their state fair this time of year. I know that most of you have seen the ads for the Oregon State Fair that just ended (they had Bigfoot and Art Alexakis, the guy from Everclear, in them), and I'm sure most of you thought, "hey for local ads, these don't suck!" But maybe some of you haven't seen the ads for the LA County Fair, which in my mind is way to oxymoronic for words, so here they are. If some LA natives (Idealogy) can realize this about people from LA, why can't the rest of them understand it and stay out of the rest of the country?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Just saying people...

Ok, so the blog got off to a rought start, but I will add more ad stuff to it today. First though let me get something off my chest. When you go to a restaurant, please, please, PLEASE keep in mind that while the people are there to serve you food, we are NOT your servants. Do not snap at wait staff, don't expect us to be able to read your minds, and whatever you do, don't belittle us in front of the whole damn world. If there is a problem, we will fix it, and it probably won't cost you a dime. Our entire careers are based aroung making people as happy as possible for little hour segments in their lives. When you walk in, we devote our lives to making everything perfect for you until you walk out, but for the love of God... WE ARE PEOPLE TOO. You know the whole eraser and pencil thing, we screw up some times, but you know what, we fix it, always. So to that guy who came in today and ended up getting two glasses of very nice wine for free, but still felt the need to berate me twice (both inside and outside the restaurant) all because you overheard a conversation about garbage (that had nothing to do with the restaurant or food, and I was whispering) and "lost you appetite" (but still managed to finish your whole damn meal), you can go to hell, and I hope you catch VD on the way down. Sorry, but he kind of ruined my day, and I BENT OVER BACKWARDS to appease this asshole. The thing that makes it all a bit better is that you have to go back to the sun-baked dog shit that is Arizona, and I get to stay here in green Oregon. Jackass.