Friday, February 09, 2007

Why do we care again?

When did being a money-grubbing whore raise someone to near-Mother-Theresa status!? Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday, and that sucks for her family, and I feel sorry for them for losing someone, but WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE CARE!? I work at a bar and when I read it off a newswire aloud to some folks at the bar you would have thought it was someone in their family. One woman actually shed a tear! Now perhaps I am not looking at all the facts, maybe Anna Nicole truly is this wonderful woman that, for some reason, people think she is, lets make a tally.
Born in Texas (+1, would be 2, but she was born in Mexia)
Was in playboy (+1)
Moved on to actual porn (-1, now remember this is the how-close-to-a-saint-she-should-be-scale)
Let's call it "pre-Trimspa" (-1)
Marry's old rich guy (+1, good for him) for his money (-1)
Conceives old guys baby (+1) again for the money (-1)
Lenghty legal battle with guys kids (-1)
Gets own show on E! (-1, it made the Real World look like In the Actor's Studio)
Goes all Paris Hilton on her fame, but (like Paris) has no real warrant for it (-1)
Dies of "heart failure" the same way that Mama Cass "choked on a sandwich" (push until the autopsy)
So, on that note, people you need to realize that she wasn't a saint, she didn't help ANYONE, she was only mildly entertaining (in Guess jeans or out) but not when she opened her mouth, and she was a bit of a gold digger, and we are treating her like someone who needs to be mourned. I'm sorry she died, her family must be in a hard place, but please people don't beatify this beast.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

When did we get so stupid!?

So I'm sure everyone and their mother has heard about this crap in Boston about the ATHF ads. And all I'm wondering is, WHEN DID AMERICA GET ITS HEAD SO FAR UP ITS OWN ASS THAT IT STARTED TO CUT OFF THE OXYGEN TO ITS BRAIN!? I mean it though people, before you shut down a large part of the city, and a huge track of river, and arrest two people, how about you check it out!!! With all the infinite wisdom of the US government, you'd think they wouldn't mistake an ad with a picture of a fake, 2D, moon creature for a TERRORIST PLOT! And the worst part is that they arrested the guys who developed and installed the ads, but the best part is that the guys knew it was BS, so in their post-release press conference they refused to answer any questions about anything other than, "Hairstyles from the 1970's." See America, that is what happens when you let fear-mongering morons run everything, they get outsmarted by guys in their 20's who can not only recite everything that Jim Brewer wanted to eat in Half Baked, but can also explain how the Central Hudson case will completely protect them from government harrasement. If they do end up going to actual prison, I'm going to move to a place with a less judgemental government, like Kyrgystan, Belarus, or possibly Iran. The moral of this whole rant is simple: 'Just because your a dumbass doesn't mean I'm wrong."