Friday, February 09, 2007

Why do we care again?

When did being a money-grubbing whore raise someone to near-Mother-Theresa status!? Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday, and that sucks for her family, and I feel sorry for them for losing someone, but WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE CARE!? I work at a bar and when I read it off a newswire aloud to some folks at the bar you would have thought it was someone in their family. One woman actually shed a tear! Now perhaps I am not looking at all the facts, maybe Anna Nicole truly is this wonderful woman that, for some reason, people think she is, lets make a tally.
Born in Texas (+1, would be 2, but she was born in Mexia)
Was in playboy (+1)
Moved on to actual porn (-1, now remember this is the how-close-to-a-saint-she-should-be-scale)
Let's call it "pre-Trimspa" (-1)
Marry's old rich guy (+1, good for him) for his money (-1)
Conceives old guys baby (+1) again for the money (-1)
Lenghty legal battle with guys kids (-1)
Gets own show on E! (-1, it made the Real World look like In the Actor's Studio)
Goes all Paris Hilton on her fame, but (like Paris) has no real warrant for it (-1)
Dies of "heart failure" the same way that Mama Cass "choked on a sandwich" (push until the autopsy)
So, on that note, people you need to realize that she wasn't a saint, she didn't help ANYONE, she was only mildly entertaining (in Guess jeans or out) but not when she opened her mouth, and she was a bit of a gold digger, and we are treating her like someone who needs to be mourned. I'm sorry she died, her family must be in a hard place, but please people don't beatify this beast.


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